Work-From-Home Tips: How to Improve Your Home Network Security

As a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic, a significant part of the workforce started working from home. It’s a good thing, too, as virtual meetings and online lifelines have increased to make it possible.
But, as technology is king, so do online breaches become more common and do more damage. It is crucial to protect your home network; you (and your family) all now reside in online home.
Fortunately, there are ways you can improve home network security and keep your family protected. Read on to find out more.
Increase Your Home Network Security
Many people are now working from home, which has become the new normal for many. However, some people are still not used to working from home, and they need to learn how to improve their home network security.
Here are some tips on how to improve your home network security:
1. Use a Strong Password for Your Router
This is one of the most important things that you can do to improve your home network security. You need to make sure that your router password is strong and not easy to guess.
2. Change the Default Password of Your Router
Many people never change their router’s default password, which is a big mistake. If you don’t change the default password, anyone can easily access your home internet.
3. Enable Encryption on Your Router
Encryption is a great way to improve your home network security. You should enable encryption on your router so that your data will be safe from eavesdroppers.
4. Use a firewall
A firewall can help to improve your home network security by blocking unwanted traffic from accessing your network. Don’t click on links or attachments from unknown senders.
5. Update Your Security Software Regularly
It is essential to update your security software regularly. Install anti-virus and anti-malware software on all devices to protect against the latest threats. Also, enable firewalls for unwanted attacks on visited sites.
Disable Remote Access
Most people believe that they only need to disable remote access if they are worried about someone hacking into their computer. However, there are other reasons to disable remote access as well.
For example, if you have a computer not working correctly, you may need to disable remote access to prevent further damage to your client’s business security. Look here if you’re interested to know more about home internet services and security.
Keep Your Home Network Safe
Several years ago, the thought of remote workers was a Pipe dream for most people. Today, however, many companies embrace telecommuting and allow their employees to work from home. This shift has brought new challenges, particularly regarding network connection and security.
When employees work from home, they often access the company network using their personal computers and devices. This can create a security risk if those devices are not adequately protected.
Additionally, home network security is often not as secure as corporate networks, making it easier for hackers to access company data. All the more, it is necessary to take extra measures to ensure your home network is safe.
If you need more network security tips, check the rest of our blog.