What is a business meeting and ways of branding your company? 


A business meeting is when two or more people gather together so that they can discuss matters related to business, operations and management of the company. A business meeting is very important to keep the work flowing in a company as communication is keys. Business meeting can either be conducted through video conferences or in person as well.

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Every business meeting has a certain agenda to attend to and discuss. It is either produced or circulated during the meeting. 

The meeting is conducted by one chair person and includes other members. 

The role of the chair person is to: 

  • Take control of the meeting. 
  • The chair is responsible for decorum at the meeting 
  • The chair has to ensure that members reach a consensus 
  • If no consensus is reached voting can be held after which the majority vote wins 
  • All member are bound to accept the decision of the majority
  • It is the responsibility of the chair person to ensure that no single person feels dejected. Everyone should be allowed to speak. Two or three members should not be dominating the meeting 

Towards the end of the meeting the chairperson can summarise it by: 

  • Talk about the progress made 
  • Conclude the decision that has been taken 
  • Bring about the important points 
  • Take questions and clarify misunderstandings 

The chairperson needs to ensure that the meeting is running in time and thank the members at the end of it. The chairperson must also inform the date of the next set of meetings.

The participating members also play a very important role. They need to arrive in time. Be openings minded and listen to what others have to say. Participate in the meetings but avoid dominating them. Do not indulge in side conversations or conflict situations. Be prepared for the meeting. Once the meeting is over make sure that you act upon the things decided in the meeting. 

Many times companies do not become successful or break because they do not have all the things needed to form a strong company. To ensure this you can take the help of Singapore Company Incorporation Consultants. 

If your company needs an ISO standards or Halal certification you can also take the help of www.ihcas.com. The success of a company is based on advertisement. The better the adverts the more successful the company is hence to ensure that you can hire a good PR agency such a www.mandreel.com to do the task for you. 

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