Types of Bank Transactions and How They Work


According to some research, there are about 5,000 credit card transactions per second. 

Credit cards only make up a small portion of the bank transactions that happen every day, but what are the other options out there? 

Thankfully, we have all the information to help you out, so make sure you keep reading!

Unified Payments Interface

A Unified Payment Interface (UFI) is a real-time payment system that will help transactions go through a virtual payment address.

To send the money, you don’t even need the details of the account. All you’ll need is a mobile number or a UPI ID. You can make these transactions at any time, but there is a cap on how much you can send.

Batch Transaction

A batch transaction lets you send a lot of transactions at once so that you don’t have to spend time doing them all individually. 

There are three steps that the batch transaction will go through. The first one is the credit, which is posted to your account first. The credit can be a deposit, an adjustment, or a reversal that wasn’t posted in real-time. 

Next, you’ll have debits posted to your account. This will include something like any check you write, online payments, debit card transactions, or any withdrawals in cash. These are normally posted in chronological order. 

The fees will be the last thing to post onto your account. Most fees will show up the first day they happen, but other fees, like overdraft fees, are normally posted a few business days after. 

Wire Transfer

A wire transfer is one transaction that makes sending money a little bit easier. This transaction moves the funds from one person’s bank account to another, and it does it all electronically. 

These transactions are a good way of doing to do business, especially if you’re sending money across the world. 

Intra-Bank Transfers

If you’re only sending money within your bank, you can use an intra-bank transfer. These transfers are really easy, especially if the other person has an account with your same bank.

When you initiate the transfer, the bank will reduce your balance and add it to the other person’s account. The only thing that will change is the internal balance, and there normally aren’t any fees associated with it. 

Paper-Based Payments

Paper-based payments normally come in the form of a check, payment order, banker’s check, refund orders, or a demand draft. 

While these may not be as efficient as electronic, sometimes they can be safer because you can track where the money is going. Sometimes these are also preferred for large payments so that you can have faith that the transaction won’t fall through.

However, the biggest disadvantage is that it can take up to four business days to finish processing. 

Online Transactions

If you have a checking account, you’ll be able to do an online transaction. This is great for paying your bills automatically each month or even being able to log on and do it from your own computer!

With online banking, you’ll also always be able to monitor your account and send transactions without having to call an agent or drive to the bank yourself. 

Card Transactions

Card transactions can be made either with a debit, credit, or ATM card. 

These transactions have all kinds of benefits because these transactions will only go through if you have enough money on your account to cover them. 

They’re also safer than carrying cash because if someone steals your cash, you’ll never get it back. But if someone steals your card, you can just call your bank and have them cancel the card before anyone charges anything onto it.

Debit Card

When you have debit accounts open, you’ll likely get a debit card issued as well. 

When you pay with your debit card, the money is automatically deducted from your account. However, some debit cards come with money pre-loaded onto them. You can also use these as ATM cards!

Credit Card

A credit card operates differently from a debit card because you buy things with the bank’s money. The bank will issue you a set of credit, which is a loan of money that you can use from them.

At the end of the month, they’ll send you a bill to pay them back all the money you spent. If you don’t pay that money back, you’ll start accruing interest on that money, so you’ll owe them even more.

If you use it responsibly, this can be a great way to build your credit score. However, if you are going to use the credit and not pay it back every month, make sure you have a plan to avoid going into too much debt. 

Real-Time Gross Settlement

A real-time gross settlement is an amount that will be credited to another account. However, there is a minimum required for this transaction to go through; there isn’t a maximum. 

This transaction is also rather fast, and it generally only takes a half-hour to go through. 

Learn More About the Different Types of Bank Transactions

These are only a few of the most common types of bank transactions, but there are many more out there!

We know that trying to figure out how to manage all your finances can be stressful and overwhelming, but we’re here to help you out! You should also check about details related to automatic currency counter which is another great way to manage your finances. 

If you enjoyed this article, make sure that you explore our website to find more articles just like this one. 

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