The Complete Guide to Writing a Business Contract: Everything to Know


Contracts and agreements govern 70 to 80 percent of all business operations.

They direct businesses on how to interact with suppliers, customers, and shareholders. As a savvy business person, you need to learn how to write a business contract. The goal is to find out the key things that all contracts must have to be legally binding.

To help you out, here’s a complete guide to writing a business contract.

Understand the State Laws Governing Contracts and Agreements

Before you write a contract, find out more about your state’s contracts and agreements laws. The idea is to find out key things to observe according to the law when drafting the contract/agreement. Your goal is to get guidelines on how to write a legally enforceable contract.

If you’re uncertain about how to draft agreements such as operating agreement LLC texas seek legal help from local attorneys. These lawyers will direct you on the key things to include in these agreements.

Decide the Clauses to Add

Clauses dictate each party’s rights and obligations under the contract. They give directives on how the parties will execute the contract and how to handle different things that might arise.

Here are some of the most common contract clauses:

• Definitions clause
• Confidentiality clause
• Arbitration clause
• Insurance Clause
• Indemnification Clause
• Cancellation clause
• Termination clause

These clauses will guide the parties to an agreement on handling disputes and when to terminate the contract. A key part of the contract writing process should involve determining the relevant clauses to add. If you’re doubtful about adding a given clause, consider seeking professional help.

You want to mitigate the risk of creating a voidable or void business contract.

Use Easy to Understand Language

Most entrepreneurs assume they cannot write contracts because they don’t know the legal jargon. The good news is that you don’t have to use legal jargon to write a legally enforceable contract. Use simple language that all parties to the contract understand.

The idea is to make it easy for these parties to understand the business contract details. You want each party to understand its rights and obligations under the contract.

Spell Out All Details

Most business contracts are formed after the parties have entered into an oral agreement. So, it’s tempting to exclude some of the already agreed-upon things. However, this is a mistake as, without any written evidence, it might be hard to enforce these things.

You should spell out all business contract details to avoid legal problems later.

Simplify Writing a Business Contract by Following Practical Tips

Writing a business contract is easy when you learn the key details to add. Rely on the above things to know more about contract clauses and how to decide which ones to add. Also, remember you don’t have to use legal jargon to create a legally binding contract.

Also, ensure you spell out all details to make it easy to enforce the contract.

Please check out our other articles for more Business, Finance, and Networking content.

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