The Brief Guide That Makes Conducting an IT Audit Simple

Did you know that the most expensive component of a cyber attack in the IT industry is information loss? It represents a staggering 43% of all costs. This makes it imperative for companies to conduct thorough IT audits to make sure that their data is safe and secure.
Perhaps the most important thing in conducting an IT audit is keeping it simple. Auditing and compliance do not need to be overly complex and can be carried out by any company without much difficulty.
Here are tips that will help you simplify your auditing process.
Know the Requirements and Get the IT Auditing Process Started
The first step to an IT audit can be difficult if your company is not aware of what it needs to accomplish to comply with auditing standards. Without this knowledge, it’s impossible to begin an effective audit.
Most companies are aware of the general compliance requirements for their industry, but this is not enough. Once your company knows what it needs to do to comply with the standards, you’ll be able to start a good IT audit process.
Examine Security Policy and Procedures
Once you establish a good compliance foundation, the security policies and procedures should be the next item to examine. Analyzing and understanding the security policies and procedures will allow the IT department to determine several things.
Some of these things include whether or not they align with industry standards, provide complete coverage, and meet all of your company’s specific needs. Sometimes, companies need multiple security policies based on different factors such as geographical location or job function.
Look at Your Technology Infrastructure
To have a successful IT audit, the IT auditor must understand the specific technologies your company uses. The goal of an IT audit is not focused on assessing security frameworks. It’s focused on determining whether or not they’re operating as intended.
The more familiar your IT auditor is with the technologies used by your company, the more likely the final reports will be accurate. Even if you’re outsourcing IT to managed IT services, they must be informed as well.
Examine Your Procedures and Systems
Once the IT auditor is familiar with all technology within the company, it’s time to examine the systems and procedures in place to ensure they’re used correctly. This step includes creating reports, following procedures, documenting issues, and finding any other signs of noncompliance.
Complete the IT Audit Process
Once all previous steps are accomplished, it’s time to create any necessary reports for review by your company’s leadership. Then you present the completed IT audit to them. This will allow your company to begin any necessary actions and correct any issues found during the IT audit.
The goal of an IT audit is not just to find problems. It’s to provide solutions for fixing those problems. Also, it’s to create a more secure network environment that will benefit all involved parties.
Consider using a NetSuite for all your processes. If this strikes you as a good idea, check the NetSuite software price.
Establish Procedures to Check for Compliance
Once your company has finished the audit process, it’s time to make sure that everything is done correctly. It’ll be necessary to periodically check for compliance to avoid any future risks.
Depending on the size of your company and industry, you can do this process at set intervals. It could also be a matter of scheduling and completing IT audits whenever necessary.
Simplifying Your IT Audit Process: A Guide
In conclusion, conducting an IT audit can be complex if your company does not know what it needs to do to comply with industry standards.
For a successful IT audit, you must first understand the compliance requirements. Examine your security policies and procedures, technology infrastructure, and any other necessary procedures.
Now that you know how to simplify your IT audit, please check our blog for more info.