Selling on Amazon vs eBay: Which Marketplace Should You Choose in 2022?


Did you know that last year over twenty billion people purchased goods or services online? These days, there are entire small businesses that revolve around this new eCommerce landscape.

And, if you sell things online, then it’s hard not to be familiar with the two behemoth marketplace platforms: Amazon and eBay. But, you might not be familiar with which one is more friendly to its sellers.

So, which option should you choose? Amazon vs eBay? If you want to learn the answer to these questions, then you’re in the right place.

In this article, we’ll go over some of the pros and cons that come with both of these platforms. That way, you can decide for yourself which option is right for you. Let’s get started!

Pros & Cons of Selling on Amazon

First, let’s go over some of the pros of selling your products on Amazon. For one thing, there’s the substantial reach of the company. All the warehouses that Amazon owns mean that they have access to a broader audience. And, if you’re good at business, then this can lead to higher conversion rates.

The site also comes with a fairly reasonable fee and access to FBA (fulfilled by Amazon). Finally, buyers on Amazon simply trust the site. Plus, it comes with excellent support in case something goes wrong with your order.

However, Amazon isn’t perfect. For one thing, there’s intense competition on the site. So, you might have a hard time getting started. Amazon’s performance metrics are also a lot stricter than eBay’s.

There’s also no patron loyalty system to take advantage of. And you get next to no control over your brand ownership.

Pros & Cons of Selling on eBay

Next, let’s move on to the advantages of selling on eBay. First, there are lower fees. As such, you have the potential to make more money on the site. You also have a lot more brand exposure on eBay. They don’t limit what information you can include.

The reviews on eBay are much more trustworthy when compared to Amazon too. Finally, you have access to sellers’ tools and affiliate program which isn’t available on Amazon. But, there are some problems with eBay.

For one thing, it has a much smaller customer base than Amazon. So, you won’t be able to reach as many people. There’s also no delivery fulfillment to speak of.

So, if something gets lost in the mail, then the responsibility is on you. Finally, the many fees that come with eBay can quickly add up if you aren’t careful.

Amazon vs eBay: Which Marketplace Costs More?

Selling on these platforms is not free. With Amazon, you have two options. The first is the professional plan. It costs $39.99 per month to sell forty or more products. Amazon will also take a commission fee on any sales.

Or, you can use the individual plan. This only costs $1 per month, plus selling fees. However, you can only sell forty or fewer products each month. eBay, on the other hand, doesn’t charge a subscription. But, they do require a lot of fees, including:

  • Insertion fees
  • Feature fees
  • Final value fees
  • Shipping costs

However, at the end of the day, eBay is better for fees. A user can generally make around 5% more on eBay than on Amazon.

Amazon vs eBay: Which One Has a More User-Friendly Interface?

At the end of the day, Amazon has a better user interface than eBay. While eBay might be great, there’s no denying that it’s not the most attractive website. At times, it can feel a bit like a garage sale.

Amazon, on the other hand, is modern and attractive. The clear design and easy-to-access customer reviews make it simple to use. This makes it better for both customers and sellers.

For example, it’s easy to learn how to become an Amazon seller. Becoming an eBay seller, on the other hand, will require a little bit of trial and error.

Amazon vs eBay: Which Has Better Payment Methods?

Amazon is better for seller payment methods. With Amazon, any money you make is deposited directly into your bank account, without any fees taken out. This includes credit cards. On eBay, all that you can accept is PayPal.

This both limits the type of customers that you have access too, and makes it more complicated to accept certain types of payment.

Which Marketplace Platform Should You Choose in 2022?

Ultimately, the right marketplace depends on what you want out of a platform. If you want one that gives the seller the most control, and power to earn, then you should consider going with eBay.

But, if you’re trying to move large volumes, or prefer efficiency to control, then you might want to go with Amazon. However, at the end of the day, you likely have a high probability of succeeding on both.

So, why not utilize both of them? Don’t get us wrong, this route will come with some challenges. It will require you to learn two different interfaces that operate quite differently.

But, it can also make a huge difference in sales. So, if you want to maximize your chances of success, then we recommend selling on both Amazon and eBay.

Want More Content? Keep Reading

We hope this article helped you decide which marketplace platform is right for you: Amazon vs eBay. As you can see, it ultimately comes down to your preferences when selling online and the type of product that you want to sell.

However, at the end of the day, you can’t go wrong with using both platforms. It will just take a little time to get into the swing of selling on both of them.

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