Marketing 101: How to Define Your Social Media Audience in 4 Steps


Digital marketing is an amazing thing for businesses both large and small. With the click of a button, you can boost the profile of your brand and connect with customers around the world. But you can only enjoy the benefits and opportunities presented by digital marketing when you’re doing it well.

Part of creating a stellar social media marketing campaign, for example, will be figuring out who the social media audience you’re looking to target is. Once you’ve defined your target demographics, you’ll be able to proceed with any future campaigns with much more clarity and confidence. To learn the best ways to do this, read on now.

1. Start With Some Market Research

The first step in defining your social media audience will be to take a look at the market. Who are the biggest spenders in general? Who are the biggest customers of both your competitors and you?

Doing this kind of preliminary research will allow you to better see who you should be targeting and who you want to target.

2. Delve Into Your Data and Analytics

One of the best things about social media is that often, all the information you need about your audience is already right there. On your Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, for example, you can see the breakdown of your followers by location, gender, and age. Knowing who’s following your pages and who’s interacting with your posts will show you what audience you already have, and which demographics you need to be going after.

3.  Create Multiple Buyer Personas

If you don’t already have buyer personas for your business, then you’re missing out on a serious opportunity. Buyer personas are characters you and your marketing team create in order to learn more about your target audience. The purpose of creating a buyer persona is to put a face and a personality to the different members of your demographic, rather than just stats and numbers.

When you create buyer personas, they should have names, occupations, ages, likes, and dislikes. You should also have multiple different buyer personas because not everyone who buys your product or uses your service will fit into the same category.

4. Use A/B Testing For Best Results

Once you’ve defined your audience members, your next job will be to determine the types of online advertising they respond to. This can take some trial and error, however, you can eliminate the “error” part of this equation as much as possible by employing tactics such as A/B testing with some of your posts.

Segmenting your audience has so many advantages for your business, but you can only reap these benefits when your campaign is well executed. Apply these principles to ensure the success of your social media ads.

Get to Know Your Social Media Audience Today

If you want your social media presence to make a difference, you’ve got to get to know your social media audience. Take the time to do research and work with the information that’s already available to you. If you’re looking for more digital marketing tips, check out the rest of our articles now.

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