How Biosensors Are Revolutionizing the Healthcare Industry


It seems like technology outgrows us every day.

We have cars that drive themselves and robots working in hospitals. Science continues to bring us new possibilities that we would’ve never thought of 10 years ago.

Not only is science changing the way we drive, but it’s also changing the healthcare industry. One of the greatest things to come into existence is biosensor technology.

Continue reading below to discover how biosensors are changing the healthcare industry.

What Is Biosensor Technology?

A biosensor is a device that measures the presence of a certain substance by creating biological and/or chemical reactions. These reactions are directly proportional to the amount detected of a certain substance.

For example, biosensors have been used to detect glucose in lab samples. The sensor used electrochemical detection to accurately measure glucose levels.

Biosensors are also used in food safety, disease monitoring, and drug discovery. As our knowledge of the technology grows, there becomes a wider application use.

Biosensors in the Healthcare Industry

While there’s a large variety of biosensors, many of them are utilized in the healthcare industry. Thanks to this technology, hospitals are better able to monitor and care for patients.

As mentioned above, glucose monitors have been successfully used many times in the past for diabetic monitoring. Some doctors are even using sensors to detect cancer-related proteins within the body.

One recent growing use of biosensors are pregnancy tests. That’s right! Some over-the-counter pregnancy test strips are utilizing this type of technology.

The Future of Biosensors

We all know science and technology will continue to grow. Unfortunately, there are some expected complications in the growth of biosensor technology. A lot of these issues will pop up in the commercial healthcare realm.

Biosensors aren’t produced on large commercial scales because properly storing them is tricky. They aren’t able to be stored for more than 6 months, and they’re tough to produce on large scales.

Hopefully, the knowledge around this type of technology will continue to spread and we’ll be able to see wider use of them in the healthcare industry. Greater commercial use of biosensors would create more accessible healthcare options at home.

They’ll also need to be learning opportunities for patients who may be potentially using this sort of technology at home. Many patients aren’t aware of the basic science behind them, including how they detect certain reactions or how exactly the sensors are using conductive ink.

The Future Is Here: Biosensor Technology in Healthcare

Thanks to the will and brainpower of mankind, we’ve developed incredible biosensor technology. This technology has been harnessed by many industries, including the healthcare world.

Biosensors have been used for everything from diabetes management to cancer research. You’ll even see biosensors in some pregnancy tests. We can only hope to see greater use of biosensor technology in future over-the-counter healthcare options.

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