Essential Requirements to Avail the Free Tax Assistance


You may be eligible for free tax assistance if you submit an essential tax return, seek to modify past years’ forms, or owe money to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Various free tax preparation options are available, ranging from free software to community-based programs. You must be over 60 years. You must be fluent in at least one language. Some locations may require you to show proof of vaccination. You should also be prepared to help those in need. There are a few essential requirements for volunteering. 

Volunteers must meet IRS certification requirements.

To qualify as a volunteer, volunteers must meet IRS certification requirements. Training involves an intensive course and self-paced study. This certification test is the certification test that must be passed before becoming an IRS-certified volunteer. Once certified, volunteers can give free tax assistance services to New York citizens. Interested volunteers must meet all certification requirements and apply for free tax preparation to qualify as a volunteer.

IRS certification ensures that VITA volunteers prepare tax returns in accordance with the law. Taxpayer information is confidential, and information is transmitted electronically for quicker refunds. In addition, volunteers undergo quality review checks on every return. This is to ensure the taxpayer receives the total refund.

The Free Tax Assistance program is an initiative of the IRS and the BYU Beta Alpha Psi fraternity. These organizations partner with the IRS to provide free tax preparation services to low-income, elderly, and limited-English-speaking individuals. IRS-certified volunteers prepare tax returns for individuals free of charge using the Free Tax Assistance system and ensure that all possible credits and deductions are claimed. Free tax preparation services are available in New York City and Warren County.

They must be at least 60 years old.

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) and Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE) programs at the Internal Revenue Service teach volunteers to complete tax returns for taxpayers aged 60 and above, military personnel, and people with low or moderate incomes, impairments, or limited English. For people who do not meet the other criteria, the yearly income limit is $58,000 or less. Individuals at least 60 years of age can benefit from free tax preparation through the TCE program. Volunteers are experts on retirement and pension issues. You must be a permanent resident or citizen of the United States and have a valid Social Security Number. Virtual tax preparation services are free for qualifying individuals and do not need any preparation.


In addition to AARP’s VITA sites, the Free Tax Assistance offered by the IRS includes the TCE program, which assists the elderly, disabled, and limited English speakers. However, some VITA/TCE locations are closed due to COVID-19. While some remain open, they may offer little in-person contact or remote services. Additionally, they may only be available during certain hours. Although the program’s major focus is on taxpayers over the age of 50 and those with low or moderate incomes, anybody can use the AARP Foundation’s in-person and virtual tax assistance. An AARP membership is not necessary. The IRS has also certified the volunteer counselors in this program. The website for the program includes an office location as well as online tax preparation with counselors.

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