Cadastral surveying: what is it & why your company needs it

You’re probably not the first person to ask yourself about what cadastral surveying actually is. After all, it’s not exactly something that’s discussed around every cafe table.
However, it is an imperative part of property boundary formation, assisting councils and landlords who require information regarding a particular plot of land.
This service and its documentation are enlisted to evaluate and display both private and public boundary lines. The GIS data recorded provides information regarding property lines and their legal presentation.
Cadastral surveys can be used to create:
- Cadastral survey maps, including that of land ownership;
- Tax & value work;
- Parcel numbers
- Dimensions
- Acreage;
- Linework;
- Topographic mapping
Why do you need this service?
Information pertaining to cadastral parcels – a unique set of property rights identifying a continuous land volume – are held in an archive that landlords and council workers can view upon request, as well as inquire about and update.
These systems are usually enlisted for:
- Land ownership establishment;
- Support land market values
- Evaluating agriculture
- Applying for mortgages;
- Geology;
- Population;
- Property management for different municipalities;
- Industry
3D cadastre information modelling and 3D spatial database systems are enlisted to manage CIS cadastre information, create 3D topology spatial profile and register complex infrastructure associated with expanding municipal boundaries.
How is it done?
This service is performed by charting and surveying professionals with the right surveying technology. This technology adheres to both legal principles and spatial-measurement to determine the land’s boundaries. These professionals cross maps of adjoining properties, analysis records, utility maps, reference deeds and other imperative legal documentation regarding land boundaries.
Information from this service can then be evaluated for mistakes, followed by a professional field survey, where experts use high-grade technology to define the land area and property’s boundaries. What’s more, it is also used to run a boundary around the property to make bounds and metes.
The documentation, produced by legal advisors, the concerned parties and licenced surveyors, includes the necessary information which is then submitted to cadastre or land administration centres for their records to be stored for future purposes.
GIS technology and cadastral software help land information centres evaluate this information by providing a transparent system that assists with producing specialised plans and maps, spatial data services integration, information leveraging, assists with information technology as well as uphold vital legal standards. They also assist with reporting and engaging across agencies to help clients gain a transparent understanding of spatial boundaries.
Why you need it
This service is the only method for providing accurate and legitimate records for information regarding property boundaries. Development, land readjustment, urban planning and establishing titles, as well as improving property tax collection, mapping and valuation and informal land valuation are just a few of the reasons why this service is imperative for you and your council.
It’s the ideal service for property owners
This work is ideal for property owners throughout the country. The process contains many vital benefits for both councils and property owners looking to maintain detailed land boundary records.
It may sound complex, and to be fair, it is a specialised service, and this is why you should always enlist the pros to do the job for you. They can assist you with understanding your property’s boundaries and you can go on to use this information to your advantage further down the track.
So, if you’ve been considering this service, you can now see why it could be imperative for your land ownership rights.