Best Options for easy Taxation Submitting: want to Know How?


If the applicant does not live alone, the spouse’s income will also be affected. If the spouses’ combined annual income exceeds EUR 40,000, the deduction will, as a general rule, no longer be granted.Detailed instructions and more on the impact of a spouse’s income can be found in the Taxation Unification Guide(you switch to another service), which outlines what goes through and what doesn’t.

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This may be a bit of an isolated case

Tax-free mileage allowance can only be paid to an employed employee, and this has apparently not been an employment relationship. But expenses on taxable income may be deducted for tax purposes, and the same is true in this case. According to the tax return estimate this is important.

In principle, this is how it goes, i.e. the part of the purchase price of a computer and the Internet connection that can be deducted, which is allocated to income-generating activities. This requires an explanation of how much to use the computer for private purposes and to what extent for securities trading.

  • A partial reduction would be the most probable here, and it is not worth waiting for the reduction to go through quite random trading.A resident of a housing association receives a household deduction for work he or she does not have according to the division of responsibilities table or the law.
  • That’s right, even when reference is made here to the division of responsibilities and the law. However, the precondition for receiving the deduction is that in the case of own repairs, the contract is concluded directly with the employee and the work is also paid directly to the employee. That is, not, for example, through a joint statement of a housing association.
  • In the case of a tablet, the principle is the same as before on a computer, ie a statement is required to assess how much the tablet is in use at work. A smartphone, on the other hand, is a trickier thing. General goods such as the telephone, which almost everyone has, cannot usually be reduced. Here, too, the customer’s report on work use plays a significant role.

Your Receptions

You will receive a personal customer pre-filled tax return in March-April 2020. If the tax return is in order and does not need to be corrected, you do not need to do anything. The service has notified the taxpayer of capital gains and losses incurred during the year, dividends paid and withholding taxes, domestic holdings at the end of the year and any interest on the investment loan. So all you have to do is check that the information on your tax return is correct and complete the deductions, any foreign holdings, and certain fund holdings at the end of the year.

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