Benefits of a Digital Multimeter over an Analog Multimeter


A device that delivers the combined functionality of a voltmeter, ohmmeter and ammeter is known as a multimeter. You can find both digital and analog versions, but the former offers a great deal of benefits of the latter. The digital one is referred to as the DMM and it is widely used because of its price, small size and ease of operation. It also boasts an analog/digital converter that can give a digital readout. It can result in increased precision in reading the values.

Homeowners can use digital multimeters for a variety of purposes, such as to check extension cords, test a phone line without a phone, find a bad switch, sort through old light bulbs and test batteries. Some of the benefits of a digital multimeter over an analog one are:

  • Digital multimeters can offer greater accuracy in terms of reading because they reduce interpolation and reading errors that are common in analog ones.
  • The auto-polarity function of a digital multimetercan prevent problems that often happen when you connect the meter to a test circuit having the wrong polarity.
  • It is also possible to eliminate parallax errors when you use a digital multimeter because it has a numerical display. With an analog multimeter, viewing from a different angle gives you a different value, which can lead to errors.
  • There are no moving parts in a digital multimeter, which makes them free from shock and wear failures.
  • You don’t need to make zero adjustment with a digital multimeter, as is needed in an analog one.
  • Digital output can also be suitable for recording and processing purposes, which comes in handy with computer controlled applications.
  • The digital readout also leads to improved accuracy, as you cannot make mistakes when checkingan LCD display.

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