4 Ways to Spruce Up Your Home Office Space in 2023


Are you one of the millions of people around the globe who works from a home office space? Do you depend on your office to be functional and efficient so you can get your job done? While those are certainly important criteria, have you ever stopped and given thought to how the office looks? To be your ultimate productive self, you need to be in a space that feels comfortable, inspiring and professional. If your current office space doesn’t check off each of those boxes, then it’s time for a change. Here’s a look at four ways you can spruce up your home office space in 2023.

It’s Time for a Fresh Colour Palette

One of the quickest and most impactful changes you can make is with the colour palette. Giving the room a fresh coat of paint will liven it up, make it feel more modern and can even make a space feel larger and brighter depending on the colour you choose. There aren’t the same worries of picking a trending colour palette for the office; instead, you want to pick one that inspires creativity and focus.

Some great colours for a home office include:

  • Warm taupe
  • Soft peach
  • Pale coral
  • Light grey
  • Navy blue
  • Light sage
  • Plum
  • Pastel yellow

Reconfigure the Space – Make Changes to the Layout

The way the room is laid out in terms of the furniture may not be ideal for productivity. This is a great opportunity to look around and ask how you can reconfigure the space to better work for you. Chances are that, after working in the space for any length of time, you’ve found some issues, such as a filing cabinet being too far from your desk, the desk not being near the natural light source, or the door being too close to your chair, etc.

Add New Flooring – Create a Fresh New Vibe

All too often, people focus on décor and furniture, which do play a role in interior design, but flooring shouldn’t be ignored. Flooring sets the stage and helps to create an atmosphere. If the current flooring is looking a bit worse for wear or doesn’t work with the rest of the design then it’s time for something new.

You can visit places like aflooringboutique.co.uk to get an idea of the many options available. Carpeting can add a sense of warmth to the space, while something like wood or laminate flooring may feel a bit more professional in the space. As long as your office is a self-contained room with four walls and a door, then you don’t necessarily have to worry about how the flooring looks with the rest of the house.

Additional Light Is Always Appreciated

The final tip is to bring in additional light whenever possible. There’s nothing worse than trying to work in a dimly light workspace. It will cause eye strain and discomfort. Ideally, you want a combination of natural and artificial lighting. Use a variety of light fixtures such as overhead, task lighting, a desk lamp and even a floor lamp.

It’s time to give your office a total makeover and make it the kind of space you deserve for 2023.

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