The Benefits of Allowing Employees to Work Remotely


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An increase in remote working practices is a key reason for the exponential growth in the video conferencing market which is expected to be worth an enormous $9.95 billion by 2028. 

Indeed, you may have used this technology when your staff members were working from home during the pandemic, and perhaps some employees are still keen to continue with this working practice.

But, are there any advantages to allowing your staff to work remotely? This is still a relatively new concept, and many employers are skeptical as to the benefits. 

You’ll be glad to hear that although there are some disadvantages, there can be huge upsides to having a remote workforce.

Read on to learn more about the advantages of remote working for employers.

Increased Positivity

By giving employees the option to work from home, you could boost their mood because they no longer have to endure a long commute to the office.

As happy employees are likely to be more productive employees, this can be a positive factor for your business both in the short and long term. 

Reduced Costs

When staff is working from home, there is no need for your business to pay rent for office space. You can also save money on utilities, and paying for kitchen staples such as tea and coffee will be a thing of the past. 

These savings could add up to a substantial figure which you can then reinvest back into your business. 

Wider Talent Pool

It can sometimes be challenging to find the staff you need in your local area. But, many employees are now looking for remote work. By providing this option, you can recruit talent based anywhere in the world.

This can also be an excellent advantage when you are short-staffed. In this scenario, you could hire freelancers on a short-term basis, filling any gaps in your business operations until your full-time employees return to work.

Simpler to Manage

Even just a few years ago, it would have been difficult managing employees that were not in the office. But, there are now many tools you can use to bring your teams together and keep projects on schedule. 

From video conferencing apps to productivity tracking software, there are plenty of ways to keep your business running at peak efficiency. You can find out more about these helpful tools here.

Reduced Absenteeism

If an employee is feeling under the weather, they may be reluctant to travel to work and spend eight hours in an office. They could also want to avoid infecting colleagues if they have a cold or the flu. 

But, a sick employee could be willing to log on from home for an hour to perform important tasks before resting for the remainder of the day. This also eliminates the risk of that person’s germs spreading to other workers.

Decide If Your Employees Should Work Remotely

Not every employer is keen to allow their staff to work remotely, and that’s understandable. But, for many businesses, the advantages could outweigh any concerns.

A happier workforce can be more productive, while you can also employ the best workers from all over the world. In addition, as technology allows you to keep in touch with employees, while also helping to reduce costs, you might find this working style could take your business to the next level.

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