7 Myths About Entrepreneurs


When many people think of entrepreneurs, they imagine the characters they see in movies and on television. These characterizations promote a misperception about entrepreneurs, including these specific myths.

  • Successful Entrepreneurs Have an Entrepreneur Gene

There’s a mistaken notion that successful entrepreneurs were simply born that way and have an innate ability to start a company. It’s not your genetic makeup that determines your success but how hard you work.

Scott Sandell Daughter Anna is especially proud of the fact that her father is now teaching entrepreneurship to engineering students. Anyone can learn the skills of being an entrepreneur.

  • Entrepreneurs Have a Crazy Risky Nature

The truth is, entrepreneurs aren’t risky but instead take calculated risks, weighing the potential of failure against possible benefits. They research all the ups and downs to help remove that fear of failure that everyone feels from time to time. They find mentors and seek advice to make sure they’re making the right decisions.

  • Entrepreneurs Are Brilliant

While entrepreneurs may be intelligent, most of them are no smarter than you are. More than half of entrepreneurs don’t even have a college degree. What they have instead, is on-the-job training and experience. They learn the skills they need either online or through conferences and workshops. They work hard to learn how to do the tasks that make their businesses successful.

  • All Entrepreneurs Care About Is Money

Many people assume that entrepreneurs start businesses to get rich. Nothing could be further from the truth. Every business owner wants to operate at a profit, but these owners are interested in more than money. They want to do work they love, and they want control over their schedules. They might even want a business they can pass on to their children.

  • Entrepreneurs Have No Social Life

Entrepreneurs work hard, but they also carve out time for family and friends. Successful entrepreneurs learn how to multitask and manage their time so they can watch a child’s game or attend family events.

  • Entrepreneurs Get Their Money From Banks and Venture Capitalists

In reality, banks don’t lend money to startups because they’re too risky, and venture capitalists tend to prefer giving money to established businesses. Instead, entrepreneurs save up money before starting a business. They borrow needed funds from family members and friends and use credit cards to pay for their business expenses.

  • Entrepreneurs Succeed Because They Never Quit

In truth, a successful person knows when to quit. More than half of all start-ups fail within five years. What successful entrepreneurs do that’s different from others is to learn from their mistakes and try again until they succeed. They think of failure as an opportunity to learn rather than a label that defines them for the rest of their lives.

Not everyone can be an entrepreneur. To succeed, you need a lot of motivation and desire to start your own business to make it work. That passion, along with the willingness to try is what makes entrepreneurs the successes they are.

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